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     Like so many authors, I had to choose between waiting for a positive response from a traditional publishing house or going at it on my own and self publishing.  Try to find a house with a welcome mat for unsolicited manuscripts!  Even Emily Bronte, a renowned author for almost two centuries, was rebuffed, using her male pen name Ellis Bell.   But that was 1847.   Currently, with today's technology, indie authors flourish.

We will always associate the years 2020 through 2022 with COVID, but good things came from that period as well.  Productivity for unfinished projects and a rekindled desire to see dreams realized took hold.  I opened my file cabinet  (the metal kind with drawers),  pulled out the many manuscripts I'd written over the years, and asked, Why not?

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     YouTube videos with personal stories of what went wrong and what worked well abound for the independent author and illustrator.      I started there.  Additionally, membership with the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, known as the SCBWI, is most worthwhile.  This nonprofit's very purpose is to support the creation of children's literature.  More importantly though, above all, is stick-to-it-ive-ness.   I've discovered that self published authors don't realize self fulfillment when they write their book.  Writing the book is actually the easy part, surprisingly.  Here is where the journey just begins.  Yes, we are the author.   We are also the publisher.     As a self published author, you manage all tasks from writing, editing, designing, proofing, production, acquiring an ISBN number, copyrighting, generating buzz, and ultimately marketing and distributing your book.  




If I were as prolific at submissions as I am at reading 'How To' books I would most likely find myself comfortably seated at book signings by now.  Nonetheless, these books have been most helpful.  If You Want To Write, by Brenda Ueland, is inspirational for writers of all genres.  Similarly, Writing Down the Bones, by Natalie Goldberg, also compels. The How to Self Publish books are current and informative, taking you step by step through the process in its entirety.  They are invaluable.   I could not have become a self published author without them.



Everyone likes a story with a happy ending.  I tried my best to accomplish this.  It is a challenge, given what we know about climate change, to inform the reader without distressing them.  Here is a portion of the books I read and the notes I took to ensure scientific accuracy.  On Thin Ice tells a story about what could happen to the polar bear if we don't decrease our carbon emissions.  Education!  Knowledge!  Young people do need to realize the imperative to take action.  Even the youngest child can make wise choices.  Children grow up to be consumers, CEOs, teachers and politicians.  It is my hope that reading On Thin Ice, as well as the many beautiful and informative books on the market, will enlighten children of all ages.



 A boy goes sailing.  A storm comes up.  Donald is thrown off course.  Things couldn't be worse.  Then he is marooned.   Oh yes, things could be worse,  Through it all, he survives and triumphs.  Why?  Attitude! 

Donald chose to be the captain.  With the help of a Reedsy editor, I made this fiction somewhat plausible.  More concerning than the probability of the plot was the question, 'What kind of edit do I need?'  Do I want a proofreader, a copy editor or a thorough developmental edit?  Oh my!

Reedsy is an excellent resource.  I highly recommend tapping into their wealth of experience and knowledge in publishing.  Here you see some of the many revisions that bounced back and forth with the illustrator.  The Captain was formatted by Doug Heatherly, a professional like no other, at Lighthouse24.  The book is a great summer read, especially before children return to school.


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William Ernest Henley

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.



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Mary Marthey

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